Served Warm
Rob's Backstage Caramel Popcorn Cookie ft. The Jonas Brothers
A buttery cookie topped with sweet caramel cream cheese frosting, crunchy caramel popcorn pieces, and a light drizzle of melted caramel.
Served Warm
Rob's Backstage Caramel Popcorn Cookie ft. The Jonas Brothers
A buttery cookie topped with sweet caramel cream cheese frosting, crunchy caramel popcorn pieces, and a light drizzle of melted caramel.
3,71 note moyenne
8 261 avis
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Meilleures critiques
Basé sur le nombre le plus élevé de votes positifs
Don't need the popcorn on top. It's amazing without it!
— Danielle C.
Patiently waiting for this one to return, absolutely delicious
— Alana B.
Bring this back!
— Shauna Z.
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